Tips for the VESC FW update and SWD program mode

From Spintend service and support

SWD mode for Ubox single 75V

The SWD pads of ubox single 75V.jpg

Limited by its size, Ubox single 75V does not place the SWD port on the case.

When bricked, may be you have a Ubox dual in hand, The pins

Comparison table of Ubox single and Ubox dual SWD pins
Ubox single 75V Ubox dual

Ubox single doesn't have a socket, so we need to solder SWD, GND, SWC, 3V3 with a cable, connect cable to another Ubox or a third party VESC, then try VESC tool's SWD programer.

Why not to connect NRST?

Usually, the NRST is no use, because VESC have no pin for controlling NRST, and SWD port can works without reset.

But in some time, SWD can not reset chip with SWDIO and SWDCLK only, in this time, we can try to reset chip manually, by short this NRST pin to ground then release it during we do SWD connect in VESC tool, try this several times, maybe miracle will happen.

Keep a stable connection during SWD programming, otherwise the VESC may 'bricked'.