Ubox V2 75V manual

From Spintend service and support

Ubox V2 75V is a member of our V2 family, the other members are Ubox V2 100V, adapter V2, Uni1 remote V2.


  1. All the 12V,5V, VCC external ports are recoverable fused, all the HALL, TX&RX are serialized with a resistor, ADC1, ADC2, ADC3 are pulled down with a 22K resistor.
  2. Independent external VCC, the MCU's VCC isolated, and guarded by a TVS.
  3. Ignite key and meter supported, fused, for e-scooter/e-bike application.
  4. Three 12V control ports: front light, horn, and brake light! these ports are separated 2pin sockets.
  5. Cooling fan socket with 12V power source.
  6. CAN bus insert power on supported, easy for 4WD configuration.
  7. External NRF(Bluetooth) socket, to replace the former internal BT module, independent from main UART ports, also A/B switchable.
  8. VCC is 3.44V, 100% compatible with VESC original FW, no more 3.3V VS 3.44V issue.
  9. External antenna for internal 2.4 GHz receiver.
  10. Support both momentary and latching power buttons.


Specifics of Ubox V2 75V
Voltage 16-75V, peak voltage should be less than 80V
Current Max 100A/channel, the dual max 200A
12V output < 3A(the fan , horn and lights share this current)
5V output < output 500mA
Power button LED current Max 15mA
Size and weight 130 x 83x27mm (including screw)/ 396g
Cables Motor cable: 12AWG 12cm / Battery Cable: 10AWG 12cm
Current sample INA240A1
Warranty 2 month, limited


Ubox v2 function port.png

The ports can be configured through our U-remote, whit out U-remote, some configurations can be set by click the power button:

Click button to config the Ubox V2
Click times Auto shutdown time
3 NRF port wires to ESCA
4 NRF port wires to ESCB
5 NRF port idle
6 Internal CAN bus bridge ON
7 Internal CAN bus bridge OFF
8 Activate internal 2.4G receiver
9 Deactivate internal 2.4G receiver
10 Disable auto shutdown
11 Auto shutdown after 5minutes
12 Auto shutdown after 15minutes
13 Auto shutdown after 30minutes
14 Auto shutdown after 60minutes

The head light, brake light and horn

With Uni1 remote (U-remote), the head light, brake light, and horn are controllable.

With out U-remote, the head light and brake light are controllable by external PPM signal.

Ever time the brake PPM signal is detected, the brake light port will turn ON, and turn OFF when brake PPM signal quitted.

By hold brake more than 3 seconds, the head light port will turn ON, until power off the Ubox V2.

The auto shutdown with external PPM signal

The latest firmware of the internal receiver can support the auto shutdown when the PPM signal is idle or losing.

How to upgrade the firmware of the receiver?

The internal receiver will monitoring the ppm signal to power off when both ppm signals are being idle or loss.

By click the button to configure the auto shutoff time:

Click button to config auto shutoff
Click times Auto shutoff time
10 Disable auto shutoff
11 Auto shutoff after 5minutes
12 Auto shutoff after 15minutes
13 Auto shutoff after 30minutes,
14 Auto shutoff after 60minutes

The idle signal range is 1425----1575 microsecond.

When the auto shutdown is activated and idle state continued more than 30 seconds, the LED of the power button will start to blinking, this will be helpful for diagnosis.

The internal CAN bus

The internal CAN bus can be set on/off by U-remote or by click the power button without U-remote. See the table "Click button to config the Ubox V2" above.

The CAN-IN and IGNITE socket of Ubox V2

The CAN-IN and IGNITE socket of Ubox V2

Limits and cautions

  1. Since our solution is based on open source VESC, users should fully understand the risks of open source projects. This article only describes the possibility of this build method, and is not responsible for the damage and accidents caused by user themselves.
  2. This product is for DIY purpose, so we only offer a very limited warranty.


Q:Does the switch using GND 5V?

A:No, the switch button is the trigger signal of the internal power on circuit. After it is turned on, 12V, 5V and 3.3V will be available.

Q: How can I build a 4wd with Ubox V2?

A:Ubox V2 is specially designed for 4wd.

The Ubox V2 has two CAN sockets: in and out, the 5V pin of CAN IN socket, is just for trigger on this Ubox's own power source, the 5v pin of CAN OUT socket, can provide 5V power to other devices. This will take the advantage of 12V power source of each Ubox. Please refer: How to setup a 4WD with Ubox V2, and a special article for 2/4WD switch-able configuration.

Q: What if I plugged CAN cable into CAN OUT which comes from the master ESC?

A: The slave Ubox you plugged-in CAN cable can still work, but its own 12V will not work, all of its system working power will from your CAN cable input.

Q: Does Uni1 remote works with Ubox V2?

A: Yes, it works with V2, and can control the brake light

Q: Can I make a 4WD with V1 and V2?

A: Yes, V2 can be CAN cable trigger on, so let the V2 serve as secondary ESC, we can do 4WD.

  1. Power button plug into V1.
  2. CAN cable connect from V1 to the CAN-in of V2.

Q: When I configuring the 4WD, the two Ubox’s behaver is confusing, what’s happening?

A: When combine the U-remote and two Ubox,the receiver in Ubox will report data to remote, when two Ubox are reporting to remote, they will confusing. This can be solved by disable one of the two Ubox’s receiver function:

  1. Power off remote and Ubox.
  2. Plug power button into the Ubox you want to disable
  3. Click button to power on this Ubox.
  4. When button’s greed LED solid, continuously click the button 9 times, then wait 1S, the LED will turn off, then light again. Disable is done.

Q: How to check the receiver is disabled?

A: In normal, when power on, button’s LED will blink 3S to search the remote signal. If it is no blink at all, the receiver function is disabled.

Q: How to re-enable receiver function?

A: Repeat above steps, in step 4, click button 8 times, instead of 9 times.

Q: Can the brake light works in ADC mode?

A: No, The brake light is controled by internal reciever, when this receiver received the brake throttle from Uremote, it will switchs on the light.
For ADC mode, receiver don't know the ADC throttle, so it keeps the light off.
We have redesign the ADC adapter to support the E-scooter/E-bike's brake light, turn light, front light, and horn, the adapter V2.

See also

Main Page

The power button of Ubox

The Uremote and it's standard receiver and Ubox internal receiver

The CAN-IN and IGNITE socket of Ubox V2

[Ubox Source code]